Saturday, July 11, 2009


Psalm 111 ~ How amazing are the deeds of the LORD! All who delight in him should ponder them...

Are you a thinker? Do you like to get off by yourself and mull things over in your head? Do you sometimes dwell on things that do absolutely no good? These things then become bigger and bigger all because we allow our mind to ponder things that we have no control over??

Well, when I read this verse it hit me...ponder the things that God does and the wonder and the awe of it rather than worry about things that I have no control over anyway. It does two things...It places our focus on The Lord who is control of the things we are fretting over anyway and it changes our mood to one of delight rather than worry. Delight means to take pleasure and ponder means to consider deeply.

If we consider deeply all the things that God has done and does we can only find pleasure and joy...after all His work is beyond words and it reminds us of His power and might to take care of the things that we worry or fret about....So today take a moment and ponder about all the amazing deeds of the Lord! Delight in him and ponder Our amazing Father! Winston Churchill once said the following "The empires of the future are the empires of the mind" well let's ponder Our Amazing Savior!


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