Thursday, August 27, 2009

Same always!

Have you seen the billboard about who moved? God didn't...

The verse that spoke to me was from Lamentations 5:19 But, Lord you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation...

Don't you love the peace this scripture gives? I love to think of the time since the beginning to right now and know that God is the same and always will be. Long after we are gone God will still be the same God. Nothing changes God is God always and forever.

I feel total peace and calm in my spirit knowing that God is faithful, we aren't...Have you thought lately about things that you put your faith in? Think about it a moment...You have faith that the air conditioning is working in the heat of summer, you have faith that when you flip the switch the light will come on, you have faith in a total stranger operating on you when you need an don't know that person trust him or her...what about someone that is driving in the car next to you? You trust that the person is not drinking or taking something they shouldn't that might make them come into your lane right?

Odd isn't it that we are so easy to have faith in these situations, but yet we don't show the same faith in God. Does it hit you as odd as well? In Hebrews 6, it tells us that without faith God isn't pleased...Oops, think about the fact that we know that God is the same right now as He was in the very beginning and faith will begin to grow, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year and it is an amazing walk....

Walking by faith,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Love those WORDS of truth!

Being thankful that the LORD remains the same forever!