Sunday, July 25, 2010

Peace and Tranquility anybody?

Isaiah 48:18

Oh, that you had listened to my commands? Then you would have had peace flowing like a gentle river and righteousness rolling over you like waves in the sea.


Now, I don't know about you, but that does sound peaceful. I love summer when I get in the pool and the gentle waters do roll over me and the peace is amazing. I also find this peace sitting on a porch watching the wildlife slowly walk by. A peace that absolutely nothing else even comes close to giving you, a feeling of everything is going to be okay. An understanding that you have, but really know why other than God!

When looking at the original words I loved this scripture even more. The word used for peace was "ewl#" which means completeness, safety, soundness, tranquility ~ wow I love this. You have a tranquil feeling or a complete feeling. I like this already, before we even get to the other original meanings. Doesn't it sound heavenly? To be complete the only way to feel complete is with Jesus living in us, right? Well, wow is all I can say.

The next word that I looked at was waves, which is "lg" meaning billowing or heaping. So we have a completeness just heaping over us like waves of a stream. Now I love this image. The heaping waves of being complete just keep washing over me because I listed to the LORD's Commands. Isn't it true that once we find Jesus that there is a peace that passes our understanding? I know it is so true of my faith walk. I existed in fear, before I truly developed a relationship with the LORD. I existed in more like a volcanic world than the gentle river flowing over me…I would wait for the next eruption with fear, anxiety, anger…until I listened for that gentle voice to lead me and it truly did become like the gentle waters flowing over me.

Thank you Father for the peace found only in You! A peace that is like no other and one that we pray for all people to discover because by discovering they will find You ~ Our Savior and Only You. Amen

Sweet Blessings,



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