Sunday, April 26, 2009

God still sees us! (Even at a ballgame)

Wow! What a game!

I'm not really talking about the baseball game either...It was like I was watching a television show. One without editing. One without everybody knowing the camera was on them.

The behavior was terrible and I'm not talking about the kids!! I'm not a parent, I'm an aunt. I was sitting watching and the longer the game went on the worse the whole game became and it wasn't a pretty picture.

I listened without comments. (which is hard for me at times) I hate it when we the ones who are suppose to teach kids how to handle something and we (adults) are acting worse than the kids.

I was reminded of the scripture from Romans 12:2 and I love it from the Message.."Take your everyday ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without thinking...Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed inside out....Well, we failed a big one yesterday folks. We didn't place ourselves before God as an offering. We acted like the world around us rather than the other way around...

My nephew got in the car with me yesterday and made the comment Dede nobody was acting like they say they are Christians. The words, the actions, none of it was representing being a Christian. The words of a young man that was watching from his place in the game all that was going on around him. He didn't think the players, the coaches, or the fans were acting like we all say we believe.

We never know who sees us...our nephews, our friends, those that go to church with us..But I know for sure and certain that God does see us even at ballgames!!! We really do need to remember WWJD

Listening and watching,

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