Saturday, December 19, 2009

Motivate another

Hebrews 10:24

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.


Growing up my parents always encouraged us to have goals. A goal was something to strive for and enjoy the journey along the way. Along the way we laughed, we learned out to deal with successes and failures, always learning along the way.


I read a quote by Robert Schuller that seemed fitting to this scripture today.


"Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive."


I believe the same is true of our spiritual journey. We need to encourage those around us to grow. I was challenged at the beginning of this year to read the bible chronologically through this year. Wow, it has been fantastic! I have grown so much through the time I've spent in the word.


The same is true of encouraging others to go on a mission trip. A mission trip will grow a person as much as anything around a person. You go on a trip expecting to help others and they help you!


So encourage those around you to step out in faith! Step out and go on a mission trip that will change you from the inside out or it takes the scales off your eyes to situations that you may have a harden heart about ~ because you may not truly know how people end up in the situations they are in.


Set a goal this upcoming year. To read the bible all the way through, take a trip to help others and help yourself along the way, volunteer to mentor a child, volunteer at the local rescue mission and grow.


Continuing to grow,




Frankie said...

Debbie, your words are very motivating this morning. I have experienced your motivation first hand as you encouraged me to read the Chronological Bible along with you for 2009.

Wow! What a blessing it has been! I can't believe that we are so near to completing the goal that we set for ourselves on January 1, 2009.

Thanks for the motivation. Looking forward to others joining the journey with us for 2010.

~The Chick~ said...

As you know, I took my first mission trip this past September to Romania. I've never wanted to go on one because I knew that I would get homesick after a few days. The trip I was on lasted 2 WEEKS, okay... It ended up the only night that I was homesick was the first night that we got there because we hadn't slept in over 24 hours. And, not to mention, the night before we left I didn't hardly sleep because I was so nervous about going. I was exhausted! But, after that night, it was totally awesome!!

I recommend to anyone who has never been on a mission trip to "go"! It's one of the greatest experiences of my life! I'm so glad I went....