Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sweet Aroma

2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 15

Now he uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God.

I fell in love with this scripture! The imagery is beautiful.

I learned that The Greeks and Romans always made a triumphal entry after they had won over the enemy. They rejoiced in victory and this is what Paul is using here to place in our mind how he was a victory for Christ!

He wants us to picture these men returning they would be making a grand entrance back into their town. Pompey when he was victor over Africa was lead in by elephants leading his chariot, Mark Antony was lead by lions, another by tigers, and Airelius was lead by deer. Also, the people may have been throwing either flower petals or burning incense to their Gods. So Paul was spreading the knowledge that he was spreading the knowledge of Christ just like a warrior did in his victory.

The word "euwdia" was used in the original text meaning a person or thing that was pleasing to God, they were grateful to God. One commentary shared that we are Christ sweet offering to God, which he continually makes to Him.

Are we Christ sweet offering to God?

Do we smell beautiful for God or do we stink?

Are we a beautiful sweet aroma or we a bad odor?

Well, with each step we take today remember we are to be a Christ-like fragrance everywhere….a sweet perfume.

Hope to smell of sweet perfume,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, thanks for the interesting information about how the Greeks and Romans made their triumphal entry after victory.

The knowledge of Christ is sweet, isn't it? Hoping that I am spreading the sweet perfume each day.