Sunday, November 26, 2017

Where we Belong by Lynn Austin Book Review - One Word FABULOUS

Fabulous is the only word that describes this book!  I felt every emotion, I smelled the same smells, I saw with my mind the descriptions in every scene of this book that took me from Chicago, to Egypt, sailing the oceans, to Cambridge with two sisters.  The sisters were very strong believers and they lived their faith with adventures.

Adventures that were set in a very different time for women.  1892 was a time of women being more into the social scene rather than learning and exploring.  These two sisters lead by a strong older sister would not settle for what was suppose to be according to society, but lived by God's words and knew He desired something else for her and she would not settle for less.

Normally I read very fast, but  this book made me want to take in every word and to experience what these women were experiencing and I did!  Lynn Austin outdid herself with this book and I hope and I pray that word gets out about this book.  Christmas is around the corner share it with a sister or a friend that you consider close as a sister.  It is a treasure that will hopefully lead another woman to a closer walk with the LORD.

I felt the fear as they sat in a tent in the desert with a storm surrounding them yet the peace they felt by their faith that everything was going to be alright.  Have you ever wanted to be brave and board a plane to Egypt and ride a camel through the desert?  Well, me either exactly but I did through these sisters.  Only they traveled by boat a very long time to see their dream come to a reality.

I truly can't pick a favorite part of this book or a favorite character.  The two sisters, Rebecca and Flora, are very different in some ways yet alike.  Rebecca is strong and you know it and Flora is gentle yet very strong.  Rebecca is not the beautiful sister (at least in her own eyes)  Flora is the one described with beauty, but don't let that mislead you.  Strength is in Flora too.  

Please order this book for someone you love!  I can't stress enough how much you will enjoy sitting by a fire or at the beach reading this wonder book.  I don't want to share too much because I want it to come into your senses the way it did for me.  Even to the smell of a young man named Soren in the book.  I smelled him right along with the sisters and was trying so hard not to let him know.  Yes, I know it seems ridiculous, but I did.  It was so good!

Also, for those that truly love the Word of God this book is extra special.  These sisters went on a special mission to the desert to find old, old, pages of the Bible to help someone else believe.  It is so good,

I was given this book by Bethany House to review and all I can say is that when I close this blog post about the book...I am ordering some for Christmas gifts!

Order through your local bookstore or through, Barnes and Noble, wherever you get your books.  Don't miss out!

Lynn Austin such a fantastic job!  Thanks so much for sharing this special adventure with me!

Sweet blessings,