Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Love Letters from the Edge" written by Shelly Beach and Wanda Sanchez Book Review

I was given this book to review recently and I encourage you to purchase it!  It is a beautifully written book to encourage and provide hope and who doesn't need either one of those?

We are all going to face challenges in life it is just a matter of when not if.  The authors provide "light" throughout the book with their writings about their own thoughts and then writings perhaps that God would say to you in different situations along with hope from the edge and then prayers to cry out to God.  I found them very honest, very real and truthful.  I personally believe the only way through difficult times is by being real - pretending only keeps us in the situation that much longer.  (My own personal thought here)  So with that being said; I loved their approach.  I loved their honesty of asking where were you God?  Why didn't you save me from the lion's den like Daniel?  Why didn't you part the Red Sea for me?  We all have these questions and these beautiful women allow us the time to ask them as well.

So many heart wrenching  writings, but hope is given throughout.  Also, actual websites, phone numbers, books and scriptures are given at the end of the book to provide actual help that might needed in the moment.  Actual answers in hand that need someone to provide a helping hand from the edge.

I encourage each of you reading to purchase this book through to save or to read daily for that moment that will arrive or is already upon you.  The moment that you are standing on the edge saying "Why",  "what now?", "Does anybody see me?"  I believe this book provides a much needed encouraging word and a ray of sunshine along the difficult adventure of life.

I actually give this book 5 stars because I believe that indeed the title given then allows  the inside pages to become "love letters" to anyone when they are most needed!

Sweet blessings,


Monday, August 18, 2014

Book Review on " A Christian Survival Guide"

I was intrigued with the title alone, so I signed up for this blog tour.  I wanted to review this book, so they sent it to me and I cracked open the survival guidebook according to Ed Cyzewski.

First, I want to commend Ed for being brave with some of his questions and doubts that most of us might not voice out loud.  He encourages each of us to explore the questions and find the answers for ourselves.  One of his quotes on his website was he wants each of us to "process our faith." 

One of my favorite chapters was about "Violent Bible stories", which I found interesting with questions that Ed asked us to explore in our thoughts.  One being haven't we all voted for leaders that invaded another country and yet we hold God to a different standard than we hold ourselves to?  I felt that was a very deep thought that all of us need to search our souls about after he got off my toes!

In fact, I thought a lot about the topics Ed covers in his book. It's a easy book to read, yet it goes deep.  I honestly don't know for sure how many stars to give it or whether I truly like it or not is also a great question.  I do encourage you to purchase it and read it for yourself.  I know what I believe and I stand firmly with God's Word, so I don't have to know all the answers or even try to provide one.  I trust God and know that we will never understand or have all the answers and find it assuming to give one to things we just don't know.  I guess the chapter on "Apocalypse Now" and "Hell" raised thoughts that we might ponder.  We all have theories and well that is just what they are...only God knows. 

Again, I think it's an interesting, but not exactly my way of thinking book.  I do think Ed is throwing out a life raft for people that struggle with not having all the answers.  If you need answers he is giving possible answers, but I encourage all of you to read God's Word, the Bible for those answers and then maybe pick up Ed's book to make you think about how you feel on some pretty tough topics. 

In closing, it just struck me that we all want a how to guide to get through life and well God provided it a long time ago. The bible  just sometimes gives us answers that perhaps we don't like and well then that is when we pick up a book like Ed's that provides a wider gate.  Today, it seems we are all searching for answers and that is what Ed's book did for me.  It provided me a way to know with more certainty what I believe and don't believe.  It allows you to explore the questions, the doubts, and come away knowing how you believe. (or at least it did me)

The book may be purchased at or through Ed's blog which is

Thanks Ed for sharing!

Sweet blessings,