Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My mother-in-law still sharing

Thank goodness this sweet lady still helps me keep this big guy straight!  The picture is of Kenny and his mom recently at dinner.  I love to see this big man laugh and cut up with his momma.

Earlier this week, I was sitting visiting with my sweet mother-in-law and she began to share about Jesus.  She isn't quite like she was memory wise, but she still knows what matters in life and that is Jesus.  Yes, she still shares her story, but mostly what Jesus did and does in her story.  

It truly is amazing to listen to her, because you see the love flow through all she is...she shares these words about life: "I don't know how people do this journey without knowing Jesus.  I just have to do my part to be sure that I don't miss an opportunity to share about Him with others".  She knows in her heart to still share Truth with all that she crosses and she does.

Mike (my brother-in-law) shares about leaving a doctor visit and a lady following them to the vehicle just to give his mom a hug and extra thanks for sharing about Jesus with her.  Still at 87, doing the Lord's work!  She teaches each of us  daily how to walk the talk.

Every time, Kenny and I are with her she shares a similar story and it always focuses on the only way to get through life is allowing Jesus to take the wheel in your life.  She also tells us that God is in control and to let go and let Him.  I saw a quote this week that I shared on my facebook page by Elisabeth Elliott that sounds just like Margie B "Leave it all in the Hands that were wounded for you."  My sweet mother-in-law definitely walks the talk and we all love her dearly.

I just thought I would share this with all of you and allow her to share Jesus with each of you too!

Sweet blessings,

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