Monday, July 2, 2018

Women and friends, Different yet alike but true treasures in this journey

Friends truly are gifts from above!  Recently, I traveled with two of my friends to New Mexico and Colorado and we laughed, we discussed, we explored, and we sang!  Yes, we had the radio going and turned over to the 70's channel.  Well, let me tell you it was a wonderful experience.  We had traveled for hours looking for Buffalo in this wonderful state park in Texas didn't find one buffalo, but we found lots of beauty without the big beast.

After we left the park, and we were riding along suddenly the song "I am Woman by Helen Reddy" began to play.  Well that car became a trip back in time with all three of us remembering the words, the hand motions even (yes I know) and it was epic.  We laughed and I suddenly said I think it is so funny that I have always loved this song, feminist that I am now.  Well, feminist isn't a word that I would use to describe myself, but we began to discuss this and Valine pointed out that one we are all 3 strong women, we have worked hard to become who we are, and that indeed we are women!

I am sharing a couple of photos of us on our trip.  Linda and I go way back to junior high and then our families working together in business and church.  (she is in the middle)   Linda and Valine ( she is one with dark hair) met in college and are besties from that time forward.  Yet, we all get along great and like to explore and travel, so the bond formed.  Oh and I can't forget Cassie!  Yes, my doggie is a member of this group too!

I think our group is a great example for the world today.  We are all very different in some ways, yet alike in so many others.  We are able to accept each other and love each other and bond over our similarities and build and treasure great friendship.  Do we sometimes disagree?  Yes, but you know what we do?  We agree to disagree and move forward.  Oh, how I wish we could take it out of that vehicle into the rest of the world.

Again, laughter is great medicine for the world.  It got me to thinking what do we laugh at?  We laugh at funny memories, we laugh at these old stories like they happened to each of us and it is so good for the soul.  We find things that we all like to talk about or do.  We all like photography, we all like nature, we all like crafts, we like to read, we all like to try something new.  Linda, is working with both of us on painting and we like it.  

We accept when we aren't all quite ourselves.  On this last trip, I wasn't feeling 100% actually went to the doctor twice before we left town trying to get better.  I was a little better, but not myself by any stretch, but they overlooked I wasn't 100% and didn't act like they noticed. Yet, something else we need to extend in this world. I don't think I ever mentioned to Valine I had been sick and to the doctor, but hopefully Linda told her.  Anyway, Valine if you didn't know now you know why I didn't have much energy, but I did try to keep going.  We accept, the good, the bad, and the ugly and keep going!

We allow each other to be ourselves knowing that is truly what matters.  Yes, we are women and sometimes we roar, but most of the time we laugh, share, and grow!  Also, we are Christian women that still hold some of the same belief system, but not all of it, but we allow each to soar like eagles!  Yes, remember the scripture in Isaiah 40:31:  I love this verse and it just comes to life, when you get the joy of watching an eagle soar.
...those who hope in the Lord renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.

The eagle isn't soaring here, but resting next to the nest.  Look close at this photo in the hole and notice the eagle inside the nest too!  God gives such wonderful surprises even after the trip is over and you are back home celebrating friendship and love.  

I can't wait for our next adventure!  

Sweet blessings,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know how some things are just “God things”? That’s our friendship—love without boundaries or judgment, and better BECAUSE of our differences rather than just in spite of them. Love you lots!