Monday, April 22, 2013


Are any of you like me and you could hardly pull yourself away from the television coverage of the horrible events last week?  Boston and the town in Texas?  

Did any of you wonder how someone could place a bomb next to a little 8 year old boy and just walk away?  How?  Last week my heart broke and I was crying out why and how Lord?

Well, when we ask I believe He answers!  I was lead to the story of the disciples in the storm in Matthew where they were fighting the storm that was about to turn the boat over and suddenly the LORD appeared and they thought Jesus was a ghost.  Well, then I was lead to the same story in Mark 7, but it is a little different and it had an answer for me.  Turn to Mark 7 and read the story for yourself the verse that just turned my head is found in verse 48...He was about to pass by them,...I paused, I pondered, what do you mean Jesus was about to pass by without stopping.  The disciples (like us) were fighting the storm, they finally cried out in fear to Jesus.  Yes, immediately upon the disciples crying out even in fear He stopped and filled them with courage and hope!

Are we crying out to the One that we need?  I believe that all of us need to cry out to Jesus and say LORD we need YOU!  We think because the world tells us things are okay and that this or that is okay that because the majority says its okay that it makes it okay, but well it's just not true.  All of us need to look to the One and cry out to Him to come back into our decisions, back into our life, and back in to the schools, the government and everything else...because He will pass us by...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Things are the way they are because we are not crying out to The Lord, at least not enough of us. We are too complacent.