Monday, March 14, 2016

Fabulous is the only word to describe Miriam!

Front cover to the last page is a must!  The cover captures your attention the moment you pick it up and then with each chapter building to the Israelites leaving Egypt headed to the promise land is beyond words!

Let me share up front that I received this book from Waterbook Press, a division of Penguin Random House in exchange for an honest review.  Honestly, it is so good!  If you enjoy Christian fiction then you are going to love the story of Miriam told through Mesu Andrews.  Mesu weaves a beautiful tapestry from Pharaohs home to Miriams in the slave Goshen. Perhaps you will see the relationships between the Egyptians and the Israelites in a new light.  The difficulty of bridging gaps then and still to this day are woven beautifully all the time sharing the story that God shared beautifully the first time!  A story of terrible situations, but of great love.  A story of family love with jealousy, honesty, and do what's throughout!

I love God's Word!  I believe that Mesu stayed very true to the story through her research and God's Word taking us deeper into thinking about the people that lived through the plagues, the difficult time of slavery, and then the absolute wide eyed walk or ride through on the ground with the Red Sea surrounding all of them.  I loved how Mesu had Aaron's wife sharing she wasn't going to be the first one through, which who knows who it was, but I know some wife was expressing exactly what she shared...let somebody else go first!  Yet, Moses being the leader and very directly telling her that she would be in the first group!

In my book reviews I don't like to give a lot away about the story.  I like for each reader to discover the story for yourself.  Give yourself a true gift of enjoyment with transformation at the same time!

Miriam shared a very special relationship with God.  Suddenly her brother was back with the huge task of leading the people out of Egypt.  Never once before this book did I give much thought to how this changed Miriam and her feelings, her relationship with God.  God doesn't change, but we do.  We change with circumstances and her circumstances were changing.  The feelings inside her were welling up and I loved how she shared (Mesu) how this might possibly have affected Miriam.  After all, we humans have a tendency whether now or in Miriam's time to think about ourselves.  Miriam at one point questions "Why are the delightful moments with You so fleeting?  Why am I so easily drawn into bitterness and pettiness?" and God's reply is Because you're angry with Me.

I love Mesu's writing because she shares truth through a story that God shares with us!  We see ourselves and we see real world right now through stories of long ago.  God transforms us through Mesu's writings.

Order your book today from, Barnes and Noble, Lifeway or the place you get your books!  It is 5 star worthy in my humble opinion!  I am an avid reader and I love nothing more than sharing great books and this is one of them!

The book releases tomorrow, so pre-order today on Amazon and it will be to your house very quickly!

Sweet blessings and happy reading,


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