Monday, December 22, 2008


I recently read a story about a young man that dreamed he held an unlit candle in his hand. Jesus stood by peacefully with a candelbra. The young man slowly moved toward Jesus and Jesus lit his candle with His. The young man moved off very fast eager to share his light with others and his light went out. He turned toward Jesus once again to ask to light His candle once again. The Master relit the candle.
Have you ever noticed the further we get from His flame how our own candle goes out? During the busy season of Christmas and all the rushing to get things done our light goes out, doesn't it?
We rush and get caught up in the hustle and bustle and forget the meaning of Christmas. Christ was born into the manager all those years ago for us! Don't forget to relight your flame for Christ during the season and let it shine for all to see! The light of the star guided the wisemen and we need to let the same Light guide us!
Following the Light,

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