Thursday, January 22, 2009

Are you a wallflower?

Do you remember the prom and homecoming approaching and the prayers of Lord please let somebody invite me? Were you the one that went with friends and sat on the side of the room and watched all your friends dance?

Well, recently we began the study by Angela Thomas and I learned that a flower is also named Wallflower and that is where we get the images that we all think about when wallflower is mentioned. I am really enjoying this study and recommend it to your highly!

It amazes me how God works! I love to watch His hand at work in our journey. The study is really affirming that I am following God's desire for my journey at this place in the road. Recently, I began staying home to write and spend time with God in a more intimate relationship. Really studying His word and listening for Him in my daily life. It is amazing the peace in my heart and the dance with Our Savior!

I want to encourage each of you. It is still early in the year to take a turn on the dance floor with Our Father! We always call on Him during the difficult times, but let's call on Him during the times we are filled with joy and let Him hold Our hand at that time as well! Ladies, reach out grab His hand and take your turn dancing with The Savior! Shout with JOY that He is alive and well and sharing this journey with you! Let your light shine as you spin on the dance floor with the Best Dancing Partner we have in this journey of life!

Dancing a Jig,

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