Tuesday, August 13, 2013

One generation shall praise Your works...

Today is a big day!  Kenny and I celebrate thirty years of married life.  We celebrate, because we've made it after all that isn't easy to do.  I tell people marriage is hard work, but the truth is that without the LORD none of us could make marriage work!  I know when we hit a rough patch in our marriage I turned to the Lord in prayer and I believe Kenny did too!

In Psalm 145:4 (NKJV) "One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts."  I give praise to the LORD that we made it thirty and I look forward to however many we have in store that are to come.  It's an adventure daily, after all with Kenny there is never a dull moment!  Seriously, young people I give the praise and glory to God that this marriage worked and will continue to do so.  WE could not have made it without the LORD!  I give God the glory and love to tell of HIS stories of HIS amazing works in my life daily!

Thank you LORD for giving me Kenny!


1 comment:

Linda said...

Happy happy anniversary!!!