Imagine yourself walking along the dirt road in the photo above with the person or persons that you discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly with...yes deep things, wonderful things, bad things, everything! Now I want you to imagine a third person joining the discussion, perhaps at a moment that isn't one of your highest moments. How does it make you feel?
Well, this morning take a moment to study the story found in Luke 24 of two friends traveling the road to Emmaus, when suddenly they are joined by Jesus, but they don't recognize Him. They share all about what has happened over the last few days with Jesus being tried, convicted, and sent to the cross right up to the very morning where the women discover the tomb empty and these two confused men not realizing who is walking with them. We are told that they kept from recognizing him in verse 16. How often are we kept from realizing Jesus is walking with us? Perhaps by our own eyes that don't see or our own sin that might be separating us or even just not trusting the things we read in the bible.
Is it something we might have done keeping us from realizing from our unbelief perhaps? Do we believe God's Words? If we do, then what about some of our conversations walking down the roads of life? Do we realize He is right there in every conversation? God is everywhere and sometimes this a great comfort and other times well maybe not so much? It might be a discussion that someone hurt you, so your words are ugly, unforgiving and just not what you want Jesus to hear...but He does hear them! How do we not recognize Him?
Lately, I've felt the Lord showing me that it doesn't matter whether it's big or small, good or bad, not my shining moment - HE is right there. I just have to recognize Him! I've been searching my heart with the prayer Lord help me to turn to you and realize that indeed you've got me! You've got each of us - it's just do we recognize this and believe it!
Today, ponder this scripture and remember in your own journey when the LORD did exactly this for you...
Luke 24:31
Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.
Heavenly Father, today it is my prayer that indeed we open our eyes and recognize you walking the path of life with us. Help us to know that comforting arm holding us up and helping us through is YOU through perhaps that friend walking the path too. Thank you Father for bringing the friend along for the journey for those deep discussions and for those goose bump moments that only You provide. I love you Lord. Amen
Give thanks today that indeed God is with us everywhere, all the time!
Sweet blessings,
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