Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rooted by the Riverbank

Jeremiah 17: 7-8

"But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.

Hot isn't the right word for the heat of this summer is it? I mean it is hotter than hot; without cool breezes!

When I got to these verses it refreshed my soul! I need the refreshment badly! Not only is it hot outside and dry; I felt like I was running on empty without the cool drink of My Father. Why? I moved a little away for awhile. I was busy, my focus changed and oops I was drying out. I was turning brown on the edges.

Have you ever done this? You just get busy with life and all of the sudden you are drying up or perhaps withering away might be a better phrase? Some of the time I am like these verse above and I know to draw from the LORD, but others when I draw from myself I end up withering…

In original words, trust is xtb which means to feel safe, confident, and secure in the Jehovah "the existing one". I do most of the time as long as I keep my eyes on Him, but the moment I take them off of Him and onto me or something else, I falter. No longer feeling safe, it is like I am at float in the ocean with the sharks circling and this is definitely not a confident feeling of security in the LORD. No, He didn't change or move ~ I DID!

The next verse is about a believer that knows deep, deep inside that absolutely nothing will distress them because they know their strength comes from the LORD. Our roots are in the LORD, so why worry? We will not sink under any pressure because we are anchored securely with the LORD. I love this! It doesn't matter what the distress is we are confident in the LORD! WOW…true, but sometimes Debbie gets in the way and my security is lacking.

Today, The LORD reminded me to keep my eyes on Him and I will not be distressed. He reminded me to be secure and confident that He is with me. Rooted in the LORD we will be safe always. He reminds me that He knows I am a human, so I will take my eyes off Him, but that He will put His Word in my path to direct me back to Him. He reminds me that He loves us enough to place a friend with a word from Him right in front of us to turn us around. He reminds me that He places us right by the water to gain strength. He reminds me that He sent His Son to die for me and that it will not be in vain. He reminds me of a love that I will never ever totally understand. A grace that is mine not because of anything I have done, but because of all that HE IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE ~ A loving Father that provided the only way for each of us!

Thank you Father for loving me and placing me by the riverbank being fed through Your amazing love. Father, I know I will never understand just how much you love me and my brothers and sisters, but never do I doubt just how much you love me. Father, the grace you give us is so undeserving and so hard to grasp, but one that I am so thankful for that words just never say all they need to say. I love you Father and I pray that as I go today people will see YOUR LIGHT shining through me. Amen

Sweet blessings,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie,you are right about it being HOT!!! Hope we get some relief from these triple digit temperatures soon.

In today's reading I absolutely loved Jeremiah23:23-24. The Lord of Heaven's Armies said, "Am I a God who is only close at hand? No, I am far away at the same time. Can anyone hide from me in a secret place? Am I not everywhere in all the heavens and earth?"

No, we cannot hide from you Lord. You are everywhere!