Friday, February 22, 2019

Detail after detail

Okay, are you still reading?  I know it is some pretty tough reading, but it is a wonderful reminder of God is in every detail!

I mean seriously, He gives very detailed instructions.  Which I believe means He thinks it is really important stuff.  Enough said.

Are you a detailed person?  Do things have to be just right?  Are you a list maker?  I love to keep a list of my to do's and get to draw a line through them, seriously I do the happy dance with each line!  I think that we might take a little comfort that some of our lists  might be of God.  Notice I did say might be.  Details are important to Him and they are important to us so maybe we get a little bit of that from Him.

What phrases have been really sticking out to you through this reading?  One that I have read and is in today's reading is the wonderful reminder of who it is that is giving these instructions.  

I am the LORD.

another is,

Then the Lord said, Give the following instructions to the people... who?  

God cares enough to being very detailed, because we need details.  We tend to take a word here or there and make it fit our needs.  Nothing surprises God. so He tries to take care of every detail for us, the problem is we have to read His Words.  We have to pick up the book to see what He instructs us to do.  I know we would like to believe that we know it all, but well nope even the smartest of us...DON'T.  None of us know it all and we need help.  Yes, even the strongest of us also need help.

Go ahead make your list.  Go ahead take care of every detail.  But relax in the end, knowing that God is in every detail...yours and mine, but also in His!  He loves us and He provided the way for each of us.

Sweet blessings,

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