Saturday, February 2, 2019

Ugly topics and we need peace

We are surrounded with noise.  Noise made by opinions of everyone in the world.  I don't know if it is social media, the television, or each of us, but we have a lot of noise and on days that I feel like I just can't take it anymore...I go out into nature.  I talk to God about stuff (all the noise) and He provides glimpses of His wonders that surround us.

Now I am about to jump into the deep end, because I really believe He wants me to share some thoughts on a really difficult topic.  I have actually been discussing it with Him for quite a while that I really didn't want to, but He isn't letting go of me.  He wants me to share a little bit about a time that I was serving in ministry with women.

I often told Him during this time that He called me to serve with women that seemed to be able to have a baby so easily and women that would made the difficult choice to get rid of their baby that I didn't understand why He brought me to this place. I couldn't have children and desperately wanted one.  I had a lot of judgment inside of me and that is why He brought me to the place of ministry with these women.  A woman that can't have children definitely struggles with why and then God shows you why in the most profound ways.  He takes you to your place of pain and heartache to heal you.  He gives you women that are struggling with why they kept this child, when it might be better to give him/her up.  Yet next time you see them they are having another one.  Yet He tells you love on them.  Be a source of hope and light and through the experience He begins to heal your own heart.

The news seems to make the choice seem so easy, on the topic of abortion.  I will share openly that I am still very much against abortion, but I also feel so deeply for these women that have made the choice to have one.  I have listened as women in their sixties  are still grappling with this decision and in deep grief about this choice that was made so long ago, but it seems like yesterday.  The pain is etched on their faces and the absolute heartbreak that they experience with every step they take. It hurts deeply yet people are told it's okay, but the innocent baby is gone and this woman wrestles with it for a very long time.  Her pain is real.  You realize through this woman that until you walk in someone else's shoes you don't really understand.  After all, this young girl's parents are sometimes making the choice for them.  This woman feels the pain that the man already walked away and how is that fair the the child.  Another woman feels the judgment of women like me.  Yes me.  And perhaps you.  This woman may be sitting beside you on the pew on Sunday morning they look just like us.  They are some of us.

Reading about the desperate measures, that Moses mother went to for him to continue his journey on this earth.  Reminds me that we all have to make difficult choices and that sometimes they aren't easy.  WE don't always understand the circumstances, but what if we as Christians perhaps showed love, instead of judgment some of these choices would not be made?  Perhaps we are part of the reason that some of these terrible abortions happen.  Instead of love we allow these hurting people to see our pain coming through as judgment.

I am reminded of the story in John about the woman that the crowd brings before Jesus caught in adultery.  They throw her before Jesus demanding that he command she be stoned to death for her sin.  His words were "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Jesus then stooped down and wrote in the sand.  Slowly the crowd began to walk away, one by one.  None of us are without sin.  None.  Imagine you are this woman.  The woman thrown before the crowd naked.  The crowd shouting for your judgment.  The ugliness of this scene really hits home, yet we do it daily.  The television news even calls out people daily with truths and untruths, yet we all stand in our corners shouting for whichever team we are on and yet aren't we sinners as well.  I think this is what bothers me most in our world today ~ we think our stuff doesn't stink and well it does!  

Prayer for the unborn, prayer for the women that are considering this choice, prayer for the women that are still dealing with their choice made years and years ago and prayers for each of us that we realize that we are sinners too!

Find a place to spend time with Jesus.  Let Jesus take you to your place of pain and allow Him to heal your hurting heart and to love on you so deeply, because He loves you so very much and that is what matters.  Your relationship with Jesus is what truly matters, so find yours and allow Him to do the rest.

I close with these words God healed my pain in a place that I had no idea that I needed and nor did I want to go, but for healing I had to take the trip.  So I encourage you to do the same.  Seek God in every decision and let's show love to those around us.

Sweet blessings,

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