Friday, February 1, 2019

She put the baby

Exodus 2: 1-10

Okay, I am not a mother, but I am an aunt and I love my kiddos like they are mine and today's reading always, always just brings up so many emotions.  Heartbreak, fear, why me, and the list goes on and could she? but how could she not?

Moses mother knows she can't hide him any longer.  His only hope is to place him in the river with crocs!  (and I am not talking shoes)  I am talking way bigger than the alligator in the photo above!!!!  Moses is placed in a basket that you know she built to the best of her ability to provide for her baby a safe space and she scouted out the area.  She knew when the daughter of the pharaoh would bath.  She did absolutely everything in her power to provide a way for her baby and you know she prayed over her baby and that basket as she was preparing.

Do we prepare for what faces us?  I mean seriously, it is obvious this mother knew her facts and God took care of the details.  She prepared, believed and God took care of it.

She believed is the only way she placed that beautiful baby into the river.  Not only did God provide the daughter to be there.  He provided for the little sister to approach and ask if she could help find the mother.  Moses mother was able to continue to nurse him and get paid for it.  The princess named him Moses and it means "I lifted him out of the water", but we all know that God is the one that lifted him out of the water!

He is in the details and we must believe He is...

Yes He still is...

Sweet blessings,

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