Sunday, December 11, 2011

Looking forward

I loved this photo to capture what looking ahead might look like to some us at times!  At times we may feel so uncertain that it makes us feel as though we are about to step of the edge of a cliff high above the ground.  

The words Paul shared this morning from Philippians 3, really hit me between the eyes!  I struggle with looking back and longing for things gone by at times.  I make them look really rosy in my memory bank rather with the real issues that might have been involved.  I remember the good and none of the bad.  Anybody with me?  Does it cause you at times not to be able to really move forward with what God might be calling you to do?  Well, it happens to me.

Paul's words reminded me to focus on one thing:  Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.  I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.  I love it!  We must daily make a choice to forget the past and move ahead.  It's not as easy as it sounds, but a good thing!  We must move towards whatever God is calling us to with excitement and the willingness to step right off that cliff into the unknown!

Adventure!  The path Christ calls each of us to can only and should only be called an adventure!  It is filled with thrills, upside down choices, mixed up turns, uncalled for bumps in the road, but when we arrive oh what a glorious day it will be...Hallelujah!

Sweet blessings,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Lord, help me to forget the past and look forward to what You have ahead for me.