Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What makes you tingle?

What makes you tingle?  Is it being tickled?  What about someone running their finger down a chalkboard?  Good news?  Being cold?  What about when you hear from God?

Every time that I realize that God sees me I just tingle all over!  It is the most wonderful feeling not like the chalkboard experience, but that dies make you tingle too!  Reading from 1 Samuel 3 this morning about the calling of Samuel and God calling his name.  Several times Samuel hears, but mistakes it to be Eli calling him. When Eli finally realizes the Lord is speaking to Samuel,  he instructs Samuel to go, lie down and then ask the Lord to speak to Him when he calls and then to listen.

In 1 Samuel 3:11 these words spoke to my heart, "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle."  When were the last time your ears tingled with a word from God?  It is my prayer that you answer just a moment ago, or something like that, but if not ask Him to make your ears tingle!  Ask Him to show you His fingerprints all over your life and then pay attention when He responds!  Listen to the words that God wants to share with you.  Just like He shared with Samuel allow Him to tingle your ears!

Allowing my ears to tingle,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

This reminded of our study in Isaiah this week that showed us that we must repent and after we repent then our ears are opened to hear from God. Also in Romans, the Scripture tells us that it is God who out of His great mercy brings us to repent. Our unpented sin can keep us from hearing from the Father. Lord, please have mercy on us!