Saturday, September 25, 2010


Luke 1:39
You are blessed because you believed that the LORD would do what he said.

What a powerful statement! Do you?
Are you blessed is it because you believe?
I know it is true of me, but this young lady was between 13-16 years old without any teachings about the Word. Whatever she knew she knew from over hearing the men talk of the teachings of God as she stood and cleaned, or cooked, or cleaned for them and yet she believed the angel! She was obedient without much knowledge. We have God’s word and at times we question, which I believe to ask Him questions is a good thing. After all, He said we must be like children to enter heaven and children ask questions…so personally I think we should ask Him questions and He teaches us.
Original words You are happy because you are fulfilling what God the Supreme said He would do! This young girl believed and she was fulfilling God’s promise to all people to make it possible for Our Messiah to enter this world.
It is my prayer that we will all answer from words from yesterday’s reading….
May everything you have said about me come true.
May be only answer the same way with obedience just like Mary!
Sweet Blessings,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, Mary was pretty amazing in her faith. I was thinking about her response, The Magnificat that followed. It is really something considering the young age that she would have been as you said. Wow!