Friday, February 5, 2010

Battle ahead

Exodus 13:17

"If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt."

Above God is telling Moses to take the longer road around because if the people come to a battle, they might turn around and return to slavery rather than fight. How often is this us?

We encounter a battle that we aren't expecting, but rather than follow through we return to the old habit, way of life, whatever it is that holds us captive. We are promised a land of milk and honey, but rather than fight a battle we might give up and run back to slavery. Doesn't sound like much of a choice, but we are guilty of this aren't we?

Just this week, I was in a meeting and I was seeking counsel about a situation in my life. The kind man counseling me told me ~ Debbie in Ephesians doesn't God tell us to put on the full armor of God? I said yes…Do you know why he tells us to put on the armor of God? We are headed to war. It isn't easy to follow God's way and you need your armor. I've read the about putting on the armor of God and never thought of it as I'm going to war, but this week I did. I felt God so strongly telling me put it on Debbie stay the course. I then pick up the reading today and I felt God telling me you are going to face battles, don't change the course I have you on…Stick with it…Don't return to what is comfortable, what you know…I have other plans for you.

I went on to read and was so comforted with the words Moses shared in Exodus 14: 13 ~

Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. …The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.

At times I am afraid and The Word reminds me that I am to let the Lord rescue me and fight for me. At times, it feels like I am headed into a mine field just like the picture shows. I don't know where to place my foot, or which route to take, but at those moments God places someone like my mentor in my journey to remind me put on your armor…Be ready and then watch The Lord fight for me!

Thank you Lord for always reminding me in the most intense moments to stay calm and let YOU fight the battle and rescue me!




Rozi said...

We are Princess Warriors! Pastor Sam talked about putting on the armor of God on Sunday. We are more than conquerors!

Frankie said...

Debbie, well put by you and your mentor. We ARE at war. There is a spiritual battle going on all around us and I seem to forget that. Thanks for the reminder to suit up in the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18.)

Exodus 14:13 is beautiful! We are to stand still, watch and stay calm. Not so easy to do for me, but with God's help anything is possible.