Wednesday, February 10, 2010

God writes

Exodus 31:18

When the LORD finished speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, written by the finger of God.

Wow, image…

The letters cut by God himself!

One of the commentaries about this passage stated that this seem to be the time that the introduction of letters among the Hebrews began. Remember it stated that Moses was educated in wisdom, but no mention of writing. So, God's assistance is writing the tablets himself. Think for a moment, if Moses knew how to write I think God would have dictated all the instructions for him to write. Imagine it Moses take this down…

Anyway, no evidence of anything in writing in the Hebrew world until the laws was given on Mount Sinai to Moses. So the evidence is that the writing was given by God not man.

God gave us the first writings with His Own Finger…

The other reminder that I will once again take away from this reading is about taking the Sabbath day of rest. It reminds us that even God rested. It assures us that we will refreshed, if we follow these instructions…anybody in need of being refreshed?

Powerful reading today with details, reminders, and instructions …

Praising God,



Bill's Friend said...

Wow, I always thought that God told Moses what to write....

I couldn't help but to wonder if Moses was a nervous wreck while talking to God. Can you imagine talking to God Himself?

Frankie said...

Debbie, wonder if the Ark of the Covenant will be found one day with the Stone Tablets in it with God's handwriting on them? Wow! Interesting stuff you shared with us today.

This verse from Exodus brought to my mind the story of the woman who was about to be stoned for adultery from John 8:1-1. It says in verse 6, "...but Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with His finger." Wish we knew what He wrote. The finger of God writing again. He is the Word and gave us the written Word.