Monday, April 12, 2010

Refreshed or not?

1 Samuel 14: 27

…he dipped the end of his stick into a piece of a honeycomb and ate the honey. After he had eaten it, he felt refreshed.

Jonathan had fought a great, daring battle and won! Why because God was on his side and Jonathan knew in his heart the reason for victory. Do we?

Saul gave the crazy order that no one was to eat before night fall. Imagine you are about to fight a battle and you are zapped before you even begin the battle due to not eating. When you head out for each day do you prepare yourself for the battles that you will face? Do you rest? Do you eat the proper foods? Do you spend the alone time with God to know how to handle the battle you face each day?

Jonathan did. Jonathan exclaimed that his father had made trouble for them in this rule. He went on to say don't you see how refreshed I am now? How often are we like Saul and we get in the way of the great plans the Lord made?

Who should we be more like to prepare for the battles we will face today? Saul or Jonathan?

Preparing for the battles,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie, I was thinking what alot of courage it must have taken for Jonathan to go against his father's/the king's orders. This story of David and Jonathan's friendship is so beautiful.