Friday, October 5, 2012


Are you a person that likes surprises?  When I answer that question I must reply "it depends"!  Not all surprises are welcome, but some are fantastic!  Before I go any further I love this little girl and the hint of smile and the hands lifted up with surprise, really?  She is adorable!  I felt like her this morning in my devotional time asking really?  Did I really not recognize Jesus?

Beginning my devotional time this morning Luke 24: 13-35 spoke to my heart!  Jesus surprised me once again this morning with the reminder that He shows up when we least expect Him and do we recognize Him.  

Do you remember the story about the two men walking along the road to Emmaus.  Do you know the word Emmaus means "warm springs" and they were used for healing purposes?  Doesn't that add a lot to this wonderful story?  Two men hurting walking and talking about what happened on the cross with Jesus.  These two men don't realize it, but they are on the road to healing and how often are we found on the exact same road?  Often times I would hazard a guess!  It doesn't take much to be hurting, but these men were devastated they had followed Jesus, believed Him to be the Messiah and did not understand what had just happened.  This event happened 3 days after Christ was crucified, these two men were sad, because they were not sure about the being risen story, or that He was really Christ after all.  Doubt had entered their hearts and they were sharing and talking when suddenly a man appeared to walk with them.  The Greek word used in the story actually means "to draw near, approach."

So, the men were on a road to healing when Jesus drew near to them!  Isn't Jesus the coolest?  The men didn't recognize Him and shared the whole story with Him about what had just happened.  I wonder sometimes if Jesus ever gets tired of reminding us who He is?  He went back to Moses and other great stories of things found in God's Word to remind these men of the whole story.  Don't you begin to see and feel the healing beginning slowly to their souls and our own?  When we go to His Word the healing begins!  

They arrive and the men ask Jesus to stay and share a meal with them.  When they break bread their eyes were opened and they knew who He was!  Yes, and then He is gone.  Do we realize when Jesus shows up on our road to Emmaus?  Do we recognize it when He heals us?

I love this story and I love the fact that sometimes I know Jesus shares a chuckle at our humanness and how He must continually reassure us!  These men traveled with Jesus and yet they did not recognize Him until He opened their eyes!  The important thing that Jesus pointed out to me this morning was that  once again He did open their eyes!  He doesn't give up on us!  Thank you for continually pursuing us LORD!

Are you on the road to Emmaus?  Where has Jesus showed up lately and surprised you?  Look for Him today and allow Him to surprise you once again, so that you may be healed!

Sweet blessings,

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