Friday, March 28, 2014

Dancing and Getting Her Praise On!

Today is a reminder to live your life to the fullest!  Enjoy and celebrate we only go round once...

Look around at the older people in your life are they enjoying it?  Are we?

Today, in God's Word I was lead to Exodus 15 the story of Miriam with tambourine in her hand praising God following the people of Israel walking across the dirt of the Red Sea!  The story always reminds me of God's Amazing Power to allow His people to walk right across the dirt underneath the sea with the sea walled up alongside them.  What a powerful image and I don't care who you are!!!  Celebrate God's Amazing Power!

Miriam did!  Yes we are told in Exodus 15 that Miriam lead the women singing and dancing in the following words:  "Sing to the LORD, for he is highly exalted.  The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea."  Now, remember when you thing about this passage that Miriam wasn't a young girl, or a young lady, or even a middle aged woman no she was according to  most commentaries think in her 90's!  Yes, in her 90's and she is leading all the other women of different ages in the Praise and Worship!  Don't you love it?

Amazing picture not sitting on the sidelines, but leading the women!  Today, don't forget to celebrate God.  Age is a number, but God will and does give all of us a reason to praise Him always!

Today, think of Miriam when your back hurts or whatever hurts...Celebrate and think of Him it will ease the pain.


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Thinking of HIM!