Monday, September 7, 2015

Writing on the wall

Daniel 5

The story of "writing on the wall" and where the phrase started a very long time ago...

Yet, we still struggle with the same issues this king did...pride or another way to say it our ego!

God's love saves us absolutely nothing else!  We are a lost people without Christ's love for us!  

Take a moment and read the story of this king.  A king that ordered  the gold and silver cups that were brought from God's Temple in Jerusalem be brought to him and and all his partygoers then drank from them...not good!  Suddenly, they see fingers of a human hand writing on the wall.  He was afraid...very afraid!  His knees were even knocking together.  No one understood until they called in Daniel.

Daniel told the king these words, ...yet you have not humbled yourself.  For you have proudly defied the LORD of heaven and have had these cups from the Temple brought before you....
But you have not honored the God who gives you the breath of life and controls your destiny!

We (humans) better humble ourselves by realizing that we are nothing without Christ! 
He alone is the answer!

Sweet blessings,

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