Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hope is Key!

The key is hope...either way hope is the key to a lot.  My study this week is Abraham, where my study lead me to is Romans 4:18 ~
Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him...

Do you see?  For things to happen we must believe it is what?  KEY...

Abraham in hope believed so he became...

Practice putting your name in

____________in hope believed so he/she became...what is it you need?  Part of the process is believing it will happen long before it ever does.  Look at Abraham's story in Genesis, but also verses shared in the New Testament about Abraham.  Abraham is in Hebrews 11 the Hall of Faith so to speak...Abraham is listed beginning in verse 11 along with Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the list goes on.  A lot of these people believed, but some didn't even get to see things happen, but they still believed.

This journey of life is bearable because we have hope.  Or should I say we choose to have hope.  It is a daily choice am I doom and gloom or hope and faith?  After all, what do we have to loose by choosing the better which is hope and faith?  We have joy, we have a closer walk with God, we have Light, we have HOPE!  God allows us to pick and on a rainy day like here in Louisiana...we need LIGHT!  

Fill in the blank and believe.  To become we must believe!  Look at the verse again above...Abraham in hope believed and so became...

I believe,

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