Thursday, September 7, 2017


I loved this fun walkway.  The colors, fun, green ivy, and the iron all things that I love and it made you want to enter.  It was intriguing.

Walkways in life don't always represent fun, intriguing choices, but we are called to walk through the walkway.  We are called to serve, to be helping hands, to be a neighbor and sometimes it is a little bit out of our comfort zones.

Today, help someone you meet walk through perhaps a difficult zone for them.  Be a friend, be a helper, serve someone. 

Remember the words that Jesus shared in John 15 ~
My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.

Let's be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Be brave step outside your comfort zone.  Take the fun walkway or the walkway that is a little scary.  In the end, you will be blessed.

Sweet blessings,

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