Monday, September 4, 2017

God is with us!

I took this photo late one evening in Oklahoma when the sun was setting!  It reminds me that God is with me.  I always see God in nature and I am trying to spend as much time as possible in nature sharing with The Lord.  The older you get the more time you have to spend special moments with The Lord, but oh how I regret not doing this earlier in my life.  Yet, I know that God's timing is perfect.  
I went to Lifeway the other day and picked up a new devotional and I started it this morning.  I already love it.  It is praying the names of Jesus by Ann Spangler and it already touched my heart.  Today, she started with a wonderful reminder and then ask the most encouragement that one could offer.  Ann Spangler thank you for this wonderful reminder that I intend to practice from this day forward.
Ann begins with the name Immanuel.  It means that "God is with us."  Ann shared that Matthew begins with this teaching in chapter 1 and it ends with these words in Matthew 28:20 
and these are Jesus words written in red.  
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew begins and ends with reminding us that Jesus is always with us.  Ann took it further with a question of how would our life be different if we began and ended each day with the firm belief that God is with you?  Wow, powerful.  Encouragement, Affirmation, Trusting, Believing, and Claiming powerful words and we need to claim them.

On this Monday, I want to encourage all of you that indeed Jesus is with us!  Always and forever and let's provide hope with reminding each other of this wonderful TRUTH!

Well, I am off to my next adventure a day in Jefferson, Texas.  Exploring and discovering God's creation and a few creations from humans.  Imagine it!
Have a wonderful day!  Sweet blessings,.

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