Thursday, January 3, 2019

God provides

In the reading today from Genesis 7 - 10 and 1 Chronicles 1:8-23, I was reminded God provides.  Floods happen.  Sounds kind of harsh when you say it like that, but it's true.  It is also true that God is with us through and in the storms of life.  

A couple of things really touched my soul today.  Every time I have read today's reading these words capture my heart.  Every time!  
"Then the LORD closed the door behind them." 
Noah and his family, the critters are all onboard the ark and God closed the door behind them.  He is protecting them.

Are you like me at times and you find yourself at a door (real or figuratively) it is shut and you stand there banging or begging, please let me in?  You know the door closed and remained shut for a reason, but you can't let go?  You simply love what is on the other side, but God tells you it is time to move on?  It is time to let go?  It is time to get out of your comfort zone, but you stand there not realizing or not wanting what is best for you?  

I can't imagine Noah and his family inside that ark with all the animals and the sound of that door closing, but throughout the story we are told Noah did everything the Lord commanded.  He trusted and he believed, and God provided.  

Some floods happen in life.  You feel like you are about to sink and the dove returns with an olive leaf in its beak.  Perhaps, it's not a dove, but a path is provided and it may be a closed door.  It might be a rainbow after the rain.  Perhaps we need to turn from the closed door and take in the view from the other side.

This past summer, Kenny and I were up on top of a mountain when a big storm blew in and we waited it out in our vehicle.  After the storm, the most beautiful rainbow came out and it ended right by us on the top of that mountain.  It was stunning!  It was a wonderful reminder of God's promise that "never again will floodwaters destroy all life."  God keeps His promises and a rainbow always provides hope.  Hope when you hear a door shut and a new one open.  Hope when your way forward seems blocked.  Hope when the answer is that God is with you through the storm and when the rainbow comes out!  God provides yesterday, today, and tomorrow and we must believe He does!

Looking for the rainbows,

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