Wednesday, January 9, 2019

We can plainly see...

What do people plainly see about you?

My little readers attract so much attention.  I have never had anything that all kinds of people talk about before these little glasses.  Old and young, black and white, men and women, everybody likes these little glasses.  It is funny sometimes the looks and the comments and the people with me get tickled that these little glasses attract so much attention, but they are often times conversation starters.

I like them, but I don't want that to be the most important thing that people recognize about me.  I want people to know that the Lord is with me, just like they did with Isaac in today's reading from the Chronological Bible.  Imagine, King A (since I don't really know how it is pronounced) comes to Isaac and they want to make a covenant with him.  Why?  They realize and recognize that the Lord is with Isaac and he has been blessed.  They don't want any trouble with him Isaac agrees.

Isn't that the way you want to be recognized? Perhaps people will say about you some of these things. I tell you that lady is a prayer warrior.  You know old
___________she is such a helper.  I tell you __________gave me such encouragement that God's Light shined through her actions.  How do you want to be thought of?  Not just after you leave this earth, but right now?

I want to be known for more than just my cute little readers!  I want people to know that God gets me through every moment and when I can't walk through it...He carries me!  Our journeys are about Him and how He helps us to help others through sharing our messes and being real.

Carol Kent shared in her devotional for yesterday's reading these words, "Every day you have a choice- to give in to the negative voices that surround you", or to "live in such a way that you are a credit to the Message of Christ." (Philippians 1:27 MSG)  I loved this translation and thought it struck a chord with today's reading from the Bible.  

What do people plainly see?

Sweet blessings,

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