Tuesday, January 1, 2019

In the beginning God...

"God is able to accomplish, provide, help, save, keep, subdue....He is able to do what you can't.  He already has a plan.   God's not bewildered.   Go to him."   Max Lucado

A quote shared by Carol Kent in her new devotional "He Holds My Hand".  I loved the quote and thought it fit appropriately on our post to begin the new year.  Go to Him and let Him handle everything.  Well, it fits this writing and our beginning for the year on this journey through God's Amazing Word!  Let's get started.

I am so excited to begin again reading the Chronological Bible again!  I learn, I grow, and sometimes laugh, because I realize God definitely has a sense of humor while He works on each of us.

Today's takeaway that immediately got my attention?  Well, the first few words, "In the beginning God"...What more do we need?  God is in the beginning, the middle, and the end.  Always and forever, but what truly took my breath away was that He started placing these words on my heart a few weeks ago.

I began to ponder the new year and these words kept being placed on my heart and I felt God telling me to always keep Him in the beginning of all of my decisions, all of my journeys, everything.  Seems simple enough, but...do I?  I would like to say that before I make every decision I ask God to show me, but honestly I don't.  Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don't.  So I intend to be more intentional with going to God with everything.  I know that if I keep Him at the beginning of everything, then life will be much easier.  Doesn't mean hard times aren't there, but He makes those times easier to handle.

As I continued the reading this morning, I was reminded of God making the clothing for Adam and Eve after the first sin.  God covered their sin in the beginning and He still covers our sin.  God provides a way for the sinner and that is me.

I love to anticipate what God is going to show me and you in this new journey in the upcoming year.  What did He share with you today in the reading?  What excited you about starting this new journey in the new year?  

I hope you will share.  I hope you will join in and see what God is going to do through His Words with each of us.

I hope that unlike me - you don't leave out the most important word in the reading today, God!  In the beginning God...it is all about God after all!  
Happy New Year!

Enjoying this new beginning,

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