Monday, January 7, 2019

Got up early in the morning

Okay, when I took this photo I had already been up for one hour.  The older I get the earlier I wake up.  I don't know what is going on, but aging.  Oh well, I get lots done in the early morning quiet.

I had  noticed before in the passage about Isaac with Abram's faith being tested, that Abram got up early to follow God's instructions.  Today, I noticed he had done this earlier when Abraham was upset about Sarah demanding Ishmael to hit the road along with his mother.  Abraham was very torn.  He loved Ishmael.  God told him to not be upset that Hagar's son would also have a nation of many descendants.  Abram believed God's words, so early the next morning he was up and preparing food and water to send them on their way.  Amazing faith!

Abraham was a true believer.  He didn't lolly gag around to see, if the instructions might change.  He took action, followed the Lord's instructions and believed with all his heart in God's promises.

I would like to tell you that I arise early to follow instructions and to believe God's plan.  Sometimes it's true, other times not so true!  I want to become more like Abraham and believe always.  I want to get up early and take action and for those times I don't I want to pray that I become stronger in my faith.  

Today, are you going to believe?  Are you going to believe like Abraham or falter and delay action?  It is our choice which path we follow.  Be strong and believe.  

Both of these passages have to do with Abram's children.  God was truly finding out how strong his faith was by testing it with his love of his kids.  God doesn't call us to an easy path of growing our faith, but He always helps us to grow our faith.  Never does He leave us in these difficult decisions, we just need to call out His name.  He will carry us through!

Carried through, 

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