Friday, March 5, 2010


Numbers 20: 12

…Because you did not trust me enough to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I am giving them!

Moses and Aaron had to feel major disappointment. You know they did. They had done major things to get the people to this point and their belief sagged for a moment and now they would not make it to the land promised.

What happened? They missed their appointment and instead got disappointed! How often do we miss our appointments with God because of our "dis" in front of disappointment?

We walk around with questions and not showing trust, and we miss our appointments! We let ourselves take control rather than keeping our focus on the ONE who makes things happen. We let ourselves believe that we have something to do with the things happening and disappointment creeps into the picture…The only way to keep our appointments is to keep focused on THE ONE!

So, today focus on Jesus and experience joy rather than disappointment!

Experiencing Joy,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, this scripture hits a chord with me. I can relate to Moses and Aaron. God has blessed me in so many ways in my life and I am learning everyday, however, I feel inept when it comes to sharing his message with others. Possibly I will be misunderstood or also that the person will look at me like some religious zealot. I must learn to better trust in God. What is important is that I share what he leads me to share and not to worry about how it is received. I ask Him to make me an instrument of his Love and to be faithful to Him in all ways. I pray that to continually keep my focus on Jesus and I know that this is the Source of my joy. Bless you all, Beth