Friday, April 9, 2010

Grace of God

Hannah's story

I was so touched by Hannah's story. The story of desiring a child, longing for a child, my story just ended differently than Hannah's.

The first thing that caught my attention was that Eli watching her immediately assumed the worst. He thought she had been drinking. She was praying and sharing her grief with the one that could heal her pain and yet the priest automatically assumed the worst. Why do we do that? Oh Eli isn't alone, we all do this rather than think the best, we think the worst…Think back I don't think I'm alone in admitting this sin.

Anyway, Hannah is in such pain, but she went to pour out her heart The Word tells us in 1 Samuel 1. Where do you go to pour out your heart? Do you go the Lord or do you go to a friend?

What touches me the most in this story is that Hannah gives her son to the LORD permanently. She gave Samuel to the Lord at the age of 3. Imagine it…feel Hannah's pain she desired a child so bad that she is sobbing and begging the LORD for a child and during this she promises the Lord that he will be dedicated to the LORD for a lifetime.

When Hannah took Samuel to leave him at the temple, what did she do? She sang a hymn of praise shouting the LORD made her strong and that she was rejoicing that He rescued her. The LORD saw her and HE healed her. He even gave her more children. Hannah was obedient and remembered her promise to the LORD!

Hannah the name means Grace of God. Wow!

Sweet blessings,



Frankie said...

Debbie, it is hard to imagine how difficult it must have been for Hannah to leave her little toddler with Eli. It definitely must have been God's grace that gave her the strength she needed to fulfill her vow. What a lady!

That is such a sweet picture that you shared with the writing today.

Train Up a Child -- Encouragement for Moms said...

I too have walked in Hannah's shoes. It is gut-wrenching at its best and isolating. Sometimes the only one I could share my aching heart was with the One who was going through it with me -- the One who knew what the outcome would be before anyone else.

Women going through this burden my heart having walked through it before them. I'm so thankful she is in the Bible.

Thank you for sharing.
