Monday, May 3, 2010

Praise GOD

1 Chronicles 23:5

…and 4,000 will praise the LORD with the musical instruments I have made.

Praise and worship is so important and I don't think I truly grasp this fact until recently. I've always loved the music, but 3 or 4 songs is enough and let's be done was my thoughts.

Until one day God placed it on my heart that it wasn't about me. Imagine that! It was very loud and I was becoming very ready to sit and receive and it was as if God said no it's not Debbie…it's about worship and that is all about me! Now what I mean is I was ready to receive my word from God and that meant sit down and take rather than give to God what HE SO DESERVES our worship!

I was so ashamed. I've always enjoyed the music, but enough was enough until one day when God reminded me that it is very important to HIM to praise Him with music! Today when I was reading it was a wonderful reminder of how important it is…4000 will praise the LORD with instruments and they would accompany God's messages with lyres, harps, and cymbals! They were to stand before the LORD to sings songs of thanks and praise to HIM.

When was the last time you truly praised God in worship? When was the last time that you gave thanks and praised HIM with all your being? Have you ever praised God in such a manner? I heard of a church just yesterday that the Pastor felt the Spirit move him to step aside and not give the message to only praise God…imagine a pastor that actually listened to the Spirit change the plans for worship on Sunday and then to actually follow through with the Spirit's guidance! Wow! I'm not a member of the church that did this, I've only visited it a few times, but it speaks volumes to me about where this pastor gets his messages from and it is not the members – his messages are from above…Only a man that listens to the Spirit would step aside and give God the praise that ONLY HE DESERVES!

Sweet blessings,


1 comment:

Rozi said...

Praise is our secret to a victorious life in Him. This blog touched my heart and I am so sad that more Christians don't realize how much praise can benefit us too. When we praise Him, He brings us peace.