Monday, April 23, 2012


Lately, I am running and running and meeting myself coming and going.  The Lord lead me to this Psalm that David wrote and I am using the Message version this morning

Psalm 70

A David Prayer
 1-3 God! Please hurry to my rescue! God, come quickly to my side! 
   Those who are out to get me— 
      let them fall all over themselves. 
   Those who relish my downfall— 
      send them down a blind alley. 
   Give them a taste of their own medicine, 
      those gossips off clucking their tongues. 

 4 Let those on the hunt for you 
      sing and celebrate. 
   Let all who love your saving way 
      say over and over, "God is mighty!" 

 5 But I've lost it. I'm wasted. 
      God—quickly, quickly! 
   Quick to my side, quick to my rescue! 
      God, don't lose a minute.

Now I don't feel like I'm sinking, but I'm close.  I'm tired and reminded of the commercial I've fallen and I can't get up.  Anybody else know that feeling?  Seriously, so much going on and nothing I want to miss.  

When I read this Psalm this morning I was reminded that God does rescue me and help me through these busy times, because HE carries me through!  He is my strength!  He is my rescue!  It doesn't matter if it is by my choice or His ~ He gets me through!

Thank you Lord for indeed rushing to my side!

Sweet blessings,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Know the feeling very well. Being pulled every which way but loose. But with God's strength, we can make it.