Sunday, August 2, 2015


Habakkuk 1- 3, Zephaniah 1 - 2:7

Sometimes, walking through everyday stuff I feel like I need to wear the helmet and pads for protection.  Do you?

Well, we have that protection in the LORD, if we recognize Him, ask Him, and allow Him to protect us.  If any of you are like me, perhaps we think bigger issues are on His agenda.  My little situations don't merit the attention of Our Savior, but He wants to be involved in every detail - big or little!

I treasure Habakkuk 3:19 ~
The Sovereign LORD is my strength!
He makes me as surefooted as a deer;
able to tread upon the heights.

A wonderful reminder that because of the LORD we are not as likely to stumble because He is powerful like an army!  I think the whether we are surefooted is again our we allow Him to take us to these heights.  

Studying this morning, I was reminded of John 4 and the woman at the well.  The choice was hers as to whether she believed and trusted this man at the well.  She had never been sure of anything walking to that well, but she was very sure when she ran from the well!  She ran right into town proclaiming who Jesus was...her stumbles were no longer the focus!  Her story of healing because of this Messiah at the well was now the focus.  She allowed herself to become surefooted because she believed His words of living water!

Today, believe God's words!  Claim them and share them with others!

Sweet blessings,

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