Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Complete Joy!


Don't you love this little girl completed with all that Christ gives each of us?  We are made new and we are all princesses, when we allow Christ to make us new.

I love how the Holy Spirit works.  I love the moments that without a doubt it's God showing up and rocking your world.  Don't you?  Truly amazing and beyond words moments, but i am going to try.

I told you that joy was my word given for the new year and how joy keeps showing up, but what I didn't tell you is that (some of you know) I review books and studies.  Well I received one in the mail to begin work on and it's on Philippians.  The book where Paul mentions joy a lot!  Which is a really cool moment for me that this study came when all these other things are happening and I know it is God doing something amazing in my journey.  Thank you Lord!

Today, I want each of you to ponder this verse on joy.

John 15:11 ( Jesus is speaking)

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

Please take a few moments and read it aloud several times and see which words speaks to you.  In this process complete jumped out at me.  So I looked up the original greek word and it is plhrwgh which means to make full, to fill up, to complete.  (ladies that gave comments yesterday well this fits in all of your responses)  It is like filling a pitcher up and it just overflows.  Jesus wants to fill us up so that we are full of Him.  Is this not the coolest?  He doesn't want us to want for anything.  He wants to fill all those holes that are inside of us that we think we might be filled with stuff, people, or whatever only He completes us!

So to be full of joy we need Jesus!  Who doesn't want Jesus?  Well, some people say they don't, but they just don't know what that yearning deep inside is, but if our joy is overflowing they question what it is that we have that they don't and the process begins.  Is our lack of joy holding back the kingdom building?

In the study, that I will review on the blog in a few months the wonderful author, Sue Edwards spoke of a beautiful illustration of a snowflake in another text, but it works beautifully here.  You know how a single snowflake is just beautiful, but together it does powerful stuff? It can bring down trees and such. Well, if all of us put our joy together we are able to do some pretty amazing things because Jesus is working through us!

What are we going to allow to complete us?

Will it be stuff that still leaves us yearning or will it be Jesus?

Sweet blessings,

P. S. Please share what word from the scripture spoke to you with me in the comments.

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