Monday, December 7, 2015

Joy in the morning!

...weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.  
Psalm 30:5

How many of us know this so well?  Nights are difficult at times.  Mornings bring the Light we all so desperately need!  

Now I am going to share with you a little thing that was going on with me this weekend and in the big scope of life it really is little, but it helps to be real and honest with my friends.

(it really is little, but it works for an example)

Friday evening my television system all went out.  So all weekend, I've had nothing, but my sounds and the doggies sounds.  Quiet and let me tell you the nights are long when they start at 5:15 or so until 6:00 a.m. with nothing but you and the doggies!  I love my doggies, but a little distraction helps.  I read and it makes me sleep and then the dogs wake me up.  I look at my ipad my puppy doesn't like my ipad, so she gets between me and the ipad and lays down on it.  In other words, I was a very happy girl when the dawn happened this Monday morning for the repair man to be able to come to my house!!!  A sad truth that the noise of the tv around my house is missed.

Seriously, the scripture above is about death and eternal life.  Truly a gift that Jesus provided each of us by His surrender to the cross.  We should remember and celebrate with each dawn of a new morning the gift from Jesus. 

I like the Anchor Bible version of this scripture as well ~
In the evening one falls asleep crying, but at dawn there are shouts of joy.

Every morning shout for joy at the awesome gift of Jesus.  We are celebrating His birth during this season, but let's just celebrate Jesus always!

Sweet blessings,

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