Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Psalm 127: 1

Unless the LORD builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.

Isn't this so true? I think of things that I've tried to build on my own and what a failure they end up being. I think back over the years and realize the times that I just proceeded forward with the latest whim that went through my mind and then when I would tire of the project and quit. I always wondered why I couldn't go any further with the idea. Now I realize they were my idea and they were not a part of God's plan.

Many of you know that I lost my home a little over two years ago. At the time it burned it was such a difficult time. The pain of losing things that I treasured pictures, my wedding dress, our wedding portrait, a piece of the Berlin wall, autographed treasures from people I admire, old family memories…the list goes on. I decided they were still just things that day and knew that one day I would have left them behind anyway. I was getting dry run for the day I leave this earth forever. After all we don't take things with us on the next journey.

During the entire building time I saw God at work in our rebuild. It was amazing the different things that I would find that I know God placed for me to find from Him. I would find pages from the old family bibles with words of wisdom for me and they would fit the days ahead exactly. Truly an amazing time in my life was the time I spent rebuilding my home. The Lord did rebuild our home and it is the most beautiful home because I see His work everywhere.

He sent amazing people to work on our home and rebuild it manually. The men are amazing Christian men and they spent many hours sharing their gifts of building making my house a home. I had an amazing woman named Janet that took her God given talent of decorating to add color, textures, and things that just spoke about my walk with the Lord. Butterflies are everywhere! My friends that were continually God's hands throughout the experience ~ definitely God built my home!

Thank you God for building my home!

Sweet blessings,


1 comment:

Frankie said...

Debbie,this message that you have written to us comes from your heart as usual, but so much more it seems as you have shared the experience of losing your home to fire and how God revealed Himself to you.

He truly has given you a beautiful home! It is so sweet to hear the way you see Him throughout it and credit Him for the blessing that it is to you.

To God be the glory for the great things has done!