Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cheerleader for life!

Proverbs 12:25

Worry weights a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.

I found a quote on worry from one of my favorite authors ~

"I am an old man and I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened" - Mark Twain

I read one time the statistic on worry and all the things that you worry about never happening and it blew my mind. It also made me mad, after all I spent all that time worrying about it and then it wasn't going to happen? WHAT?

Thank goodness those things don't happen to us. I spent much of my life in a state of worry. I worried about health of family members, I worried about money, I worried about who was mad at me, I worried about the weather, I worried about the next Dr. visit, I worried about …well everything. I was quite the QUEEN of WORRY. You didn't know that I was royalty did you? Well, I was at least in the WORRY ROYAL FAMILY! It just didn't get me anywhere. It brought me down. IT brought me way down. I pretty much stayed in the bottom of the pit, because it brought fear along with a short temper along with depression.

One day I finally realized it was hurting me. The worry wasn't getting me any further in life and it was definitely harming me and my relationships. Kenny often told me that I was absolutely living in fear and that he didn't understand. God changes things doesn't HE? Thank Goodness!

God showed me that it was much easier to let Him handle all the stuff of life and to encourage others to do the same. Once I began to take this approach to life things changed! Cheering another person on is so much more uplifting than sharing the worry and woe to me and bringing everybody down…So, encourage someone today! Cheer another person on! I always wanted to be a cheerleader and now I am!!!




Rozi said...

My mom used to be a worrier but she learned somewhere along the way to become a woman of faith. It was such a difference. I didn't really know you when you were a worrier but I have benefitted many times from your cheerleading. I can think back to many times that I have had different struggles and I praise God that He brought you into my life to cheer me on. God bless you!

Frankie said...

Debbie & Rozi, that is what I want to be, a woman of faith! Cheering with you both.