Saturday, May 14, 2011

Under your feet!

Psalm 110 ~ until I humble your enemies making them a footstool under your feet."

Do you not love this verse? Does it not give you hope?

What is it that you struggle with in your life? Well, one day it will be a footstool under your feet! If, you set next to God and allow Him to humble your enemy!!!

Do we grasp it?

I fell in love with the photo today. I was searching and searching, when I spotted this amazing photo. It reminded me of all the times that God helps us defeat our enemies, but we are so duh...that we bury our heads down in the water still searching and not even realizing we are there!!!

God will indeed have victory! Will we celebrate with Him forever?

Ponder the verse a footstool under your feet today! God will make your enemies a footstool under feet! What is your enemy? Place it firmly beneath your feet and stomp on it all day knowing that God will make it your footstool, if you allow Him to!

Sweet blessings,

Continue to lift all the hurting people up from the floods and tornadoes in prayer!!!

1 comment:

Frankie said...

I just love the beautiful words of praise in the Psalms!