Monday, October 3, 2011

Much needed Light

Where does our Light come from?

Is it the Light from God or from the world?

Do we allow the darkness of the world to overtake God's Light, so that we are really in darkness?

Today, the words from Matthew 6 ~ your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. It hit me...
Does our eye deep within us have light or darkness? Are we truly focused on Jesus and His desires for our life and our light shines for all to see or is it so dark surrounding us that everything is dark?

MacArthur commentary states it something like this Jesus indicates that superficial earthly religion leave's one's heart dark...So are we real or not?

Are we the real thing? If so, our light should shine from deep within and all around us will need sunglasses...

Seriously, are we real or fake? Serious food for thought...

It is my prayer that we all stand with light shining from within and around us ~ Jesus light nothing else like it!

Sweet blessings,

1 comment:

Frankie said...

So much today in the reading, The Lord's Prayer and The Golden Rule. All given to us by The Light of World, Jesus Christ!