Saturday, August 6, 2011

Diet of veggies and water - Please

Stand your ground like Daniel!

In Daniel 1 - we learn about Daniel and his companions arriving into the palace of Babylonia. The king decides to select strong, healthy, good-looking young men to serve in the royal palace. They would be trained in language and literature of the land for three years and then enter his service.

Daniel was determined not to defile himself with this land's food and wine. But how? Daniel ask the chief of staff to please give them only veggies and water. Well, you wonder how did this man agree...GOD! God had given this man a respect and affection for Daniel.

You see wherever we go - God is working before us! So ask for the veggies and water...STAND for what you know God is calling you to do! Be who GOD wants you to be and He will walk before you making the way!

Sweet blessings,

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