Friday, December 13, 2013

His star...

Today, I give thanks for stars...

Don't you love to go out at night and look up at the stars to celebrate their beauty?

Well, during the Christmas season we must think about his star...

In Matthew 1, we are told that the Magi saw his star in the east and they went to worship him.  Imagine, they knew his star.  They packed up, they got on their camels, and they followed a star on a very long journey.

Whose star are we following?  In a world caught up in the latest and the greatest search deep today and ask yourself whose star are you following?

Is it the latest in Hollywood or Washington D. C.?  Or is it the ONE of truth?

Give thanks today for HIS STAR and in the obedience of these wise men that got on the camel and followed!  Allow the obedience of these men to speak to your heart about "The One" we should be following as well.

Sweet blessings,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen...I was just thinking this I pursuing His kingdom or mine?