Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Do you know where you are right now?

On Sunday, Pastor Aaron shared from Matthew 2 about the visit of the Magi.  It so spoke to my heart.  Go read the story for yourself and see what jumps off the page at you.

The Magi were looking for the one who was born king of the Jews, but when they arrived in Jerusalem the people were going about their everyday life.  When they began to ask questions it bothered Herod and he called in all the people that would know how to answer the questions.  All of these religious people of the day knew who they were talking about, but they hadn't been paying attention either!

It's just been speaking to my heart are we paying attention now to what is happening around us?  What signs are we ignoring?  What signs is God delivering that we are asleep to?

It was a very powerful sermon with so much food for thought.  Today, I give thanks for our Pastors that speak truth into our life, but most of all I give thanks for God's Word!

Sweet blessings,

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